Ethics Channel

Ethics Channel

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. encourages all employees and entities with which it has relationships to report any identified irregularities related to any external or internal regulations by the following means:

  • An email addressed to an independent body set up within the Teixeira Duarte Group. The email address
  • Message sent through the Teixeira Duarte website (
  • Message sent through the Teixeira Duarte Employee Portal (available to employees).

Teixeira Duarte guarantees the confidentiality of any communications that are received, that there is no retaliation against complainants for complaints filed in good faith, and that the personal data of the complainant and the person suspected of committing the infraction are protected. Any retaliation committed against the complainants is condemned by Teixeira Duarte and by all Teixeira Duarte Group companies and may lead to disciplinary proceedings against perpetrators and the people who allowed any such retaliation.